For all offices: (734) 944-3446
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Fee Agreement Information

Still Waters Counseling Fees

Initial Assessment    $195.00

Individual/Family Counseling  –  $165.00 (60 min); $110.00 (45 min); $85.00 (30 min)

Group Therapy   – $40.00 / hour     

Biofeedback Session – $95.00 / hour

Court Appearance $125.00 / hour (including travel and preparation time)

Psychological Testing  – An estimate will be provided based on insurance coverage

Completion of Paperwork for Outside Entities (e.g., disability forms) – $50.00 per hour

Clients are responsible for payment of all fees. We will be happy to submit a claim to your insurance company or provide you with a receipt for submitting your insurance claim. However, clients are ultimately responsible for payment of their bill.

Fees are payable at the time of service. A $75 broken appointment fee will be charged for appointments canceled without a 24 hour notice or if an appointment is missed without notice. For Monday appointments, 24 hour notice means calling prior to your appointment time the Friday prior to your appointment.

There will be a $20.00 fee for each check returned for insufficient funds or other reasons, plus any fees charged to us by our bank.

If payment becomes problematic for you, we are willing to develop an individualized payment agreement with you.  However, if you fail to communicate with us about your bill or do not follow through on the payment plan, we reserve the right to turn your account in to collections.

Your signature gives us the right to report any unpaid amounts to a credit reporting agency, to obtain a copy of your credit report to help us or our agent to collect any amounts not paid by you. You also agree that you may be held liable for attorney fees, court costs, collection fees or other costs involved in collecting any unpaid amounts.